Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

Japanese Submitted Names

Japanese Submitted Names

Japanese names are used in Japan and in Japanese communities throughout the world. Note that depending on the Japanese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here. See also about Japanese names.
There are 2,393 names matching your criteria. This is page 3.

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.

INUYASHA   m   JapanesePopular Culture
"Inu" meaning dog and "yasha" meaning a friendly spirit. This name is used in the manga and anime series, InuYasha... [more]
IO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 伊 (i) meaning "great, excellent, magnificent" combined with 緒 (o) meaning "cord". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
IOKI   m   Japanese (Rare)
IOKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 伊 (i) meaning "great, excellent, magnificent", 緒 (o) meaning "cord" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IORI   f & m   Japanese
This name can be used as 庵 (an, iori, io) meaning "hermitage, retreat" (masculine) or it can combine 一 (ichi, hito.tsu, i) meaning "one," 伊 (i, kare) meaning "that one," 衣 (i, e, kinu, koromo) meaning "clothes, garment," 依 (i, e, yo.ru) meaning "depend, rely," 唯 (i, yui, tada) meaning "merely, only, simply, solely" or 惟 (i, yui, omo.uni, kore) meaning "consider, think" with 織 (o.ri) meaning "fabric, weave."... [more]
IRIE   f   Japanese
"Blessing, favour"
IRINA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 以 (i) meaning "compared to", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, benefit" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IROHA   f   Japanese
This name combines 彩 (sai, irodo.ru) meaning "colouring, paint" with 葉 (you, ha) meaning "blade, leaf, needle," 羽 (u, ha, hane, wa) meaning "feather," 巴 (ha, uzumaki, tomoe) meaning "comma-design," 映 (ei, utsu.su, utsu.ru, ha.eru, -ba.e) meaning "projection, reflect(ion)" or 波 (ha, nami) meaning "billow, wave, ripple."... [more]
ISAE   f   Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 功栄, 功英, 功恵, 功枝, 功江, 伊佐江 or 伊佐恵 with 功 (ku, kou, isao, isa) meaning "achievement, credit, honour, merits, success", 伊 (i, kare) meaning "Italy, that one", 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help", 栄 (ei, you, e, saka.eru, ha.e, ha.eru, -ba.e) meaning "flourish, glory, honour, prosperity, splendour", 英 (ei, hanabusa, e) meaning "England, English, excellent", 恵 (e, kei, megu.mi, megu.mu) meaning "blessing, favour, grace, kindness", 枝 (shi, eda, e) meaning "bough, branch, limb, twig" and 江 (kou, e) meaning "bay, creek, inlet."... [more]
ISAKI   f   Japanese
ISAMI   m & f   Japanese
In the case for males, this uncommonly used name is used as 勇 "yuu, isa.mu" meaning "bravery, be in high spirits, courage, heroism", although it's more often used as Isamu... [more]
ISANE   f   Japanese
"courage"; "sound"
ISAO   m   Japanese
Means "honor; merit".
ISAS   m   Japanese
Means "worthy of merit" in Japanese.
ISAWA   f   Japanese (Rare)
ISHI   f   Japanese
"Rock, stone" Stone connotates a dependable, nurturing character
ISHIKO   f   Japanese
From 石 ishi "stone" and 子 ko "child" in Japanese.
ISHIYO   f   Japanese
Stone- Represents strong, durable character.
ISO   f   Japanese
This name is used as 磯 (ki, iso) meaning "beach, seashore," implying that, according to Sakaye Suzuki, the girl being given this name may have been born close to the coast/shore.... [more]
ISSEI   m   Japanese
Diminutive of Kazumasa. This name is also used as a nickname meaning "first generation", it is term used in countries in North America and South America to specify the Japanese people who were first to immigrate... [more]
ISSEY   m   Japanese
Variant transcription of Issei.
ISSHIN   m   Japanese
"one"; "mind" (Name reading: "whole-heartedness")
ISSHŪ   m   Japanese
This name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, i') meaning "one" with 秀 (shuu, hii.deru, ho) meaning "beauty, excel(lence), surpass", 州 (shuu, su, su, kuni) meaning "province, state", 秋 (shuu, aki, toki) meaning "autumn", 舟 (shuu, funa-, fune, -bune) meaning "boat, ship" or 脩 (shuu, osa.meru, naga.i, hojishi) meaning "dried meat."... [more]
ITACHI   m   Japanese
Itachi is a name that derives from the manga Naruto; the name is given to the older brother of Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha.... [more]
ITARU   m   Japanese
This name can be used as 到 (tou, ita.ru) meaning "arrival, attain, reach, result in," 暢 (chou, nobi.ru, itaru) meaning "stretch, relax," 格 (kaku, kyoku, kou, gou, itaru) meaning "capacity, character, rank, status," 至 (shi, ita.ru), with the same meaning as 到, or 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku, itaru) meaning "of, this."... [more]
ITO   f   Japanese
This name can be used as 糸 (shi, ito) meaning "thread, yarn" 愛 (ai, ito.shii) meaning "affection, love," 絃 (gen, ito) meaning "string" or 綸 (kan, rin, ito) meaning "silk cloth, thread."... [more]
ITONA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ito) meaning "love, affection" combined with 夏 (na) meaning "summer". Other kanji combinations are possible.
ITSUKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 逸 (itsu) "flee, escape, break loose" and 子 (ko) "child".
ITSUMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 逸 (itsu) meaning "superb, great, outstanding" combined with 巳 (mi) meaning "sign of the snake". Other kanji combinations are possible.
ITTOKU   m   Japanese
This name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, i') meaning "one" with 徳 (toku) meaning "benevolence, goodness, virtue" or 得 (toku, u.ru, e.ru) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit, gain."... [more]
IWA   f   Japanese
This name can be used as 岩 (gan, iwa) meaning "rock, crag" or 磐 (han, ban, iwa), with the same meaning as 岩.... [more]
IWAO   m   Japanese
This name can be used as 巌 (gan, iwa, iwao, kewa.shii) or 巖 (gan, iwa, iwao, kewa.shii) which both mean "rock, crag."... [more]
IYASU   f & m   Japanese
From Japanese 癒す (iyasu) meaning "to heal". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IYO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 以 (i) meaning "compared to" combined with 世 (yo) meaning "world". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IZAYA   f & m   Japanese
Japanese form of Isaiah
IZAYO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 十 (i) meaning "ten", 六 (za) meaning "six" combined with 夜 (yo) meaning "night; the evening". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IZAYOI   f & m   Japanese
sixteen-day-old moon
IZŌ   m   Japanese
IZUKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 伊 (i) meaning "Iraq", 津 (zu) meaning "ferry crossing; ford" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IZUMIKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 泉 (izumi) meaning "fountain, spring" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IZUMO   m & f   Japanese
This name can be used as 出雲 (unisex) or 伊豆母 (masculine) with 出 (shutsu, sui, i.dasu, i.deru, da.su, -da.su, -de, de.ru, izu) meaning "come out, exit, go out, leave" (using archaic verb izu), 雲 (un, kumo, -gumo, zumo) meaning "cloud," 伊 (i, kare) meaning "that one," 豆 (zu, tou, mame, mame-) meaning "(soy)bean, pea" and 母 (bo, haha, mo) meaning "mother."... [more]
IZUNA   f   Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 泉 (sei, izumi, izu) meaning "fountain, spring" with 奈 (dai, na, nai, ikan, karanashi) meaning "wild apple," 菜 (sai, na) meaning "greens, side dish, vegetable" or 名 (myou, mei, na) meaning "name, reputation."... [more]
IZUO   m   Japanese
From Japanese 泉 (izu) meaning "fountain, spring" combined with 夫 (o) meaning "man, husband". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.... [more]
JAGI   m   Japanese
JAKOBE   m   Japanese
"Shrine families", "City"
JAPAKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 蛇 (ja) meaning "snake, large snake, serpent", 派 (pa) meaning "school" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
JIKAN   m   Japanese
Meaning "silence".... [more]
JINICHI   m   Japanese
Meaning: gentle one, from the components JIN (gentle, tender) and ICHI (one)
JINNOSUKE   m   Japanese
This name combines 仁 (jin, ni, nin) meaning "benevolence, charity, humanity, kernel, man, virtue" or 甚 (jin, hanaha.da, hanaha.dashii) meaning "exceedingly, great, tremendously, very" and 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku) meaning "of, this" with 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, shellfish," 助 (jo, suke.ru, tasuke.ru) meaning "assist, help, rescue" or 輔 (fu, ho, tasu.keru, suke) meaning "help."... [more]
JINSUNE   m & f   Japanese (Rare)
仁(Jin) means consideration and kindness... [more]
JINTA   m   Japanese
From 仁 (jin) "benevolence" and 太 (ta) "thick."
JIRŌTA   m   Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 二 (ji, ni, futa, futata.bi, futa.tsu) meaning "two," 次 (shi, ji, tsugi, tsu.gu) meaning "next, second," 治 (ji, chi, osa.maru, osa.meru, nao.su, nao.ru) meaning "cure, govern, heal, reign, rule," 司 (shi, tsukasado.ru, tsukasa) meaning "administer, direct, government office, official, rule" or 道 (tou, dou, michi, ji) meaning "course, journey, road, street, moral principle" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, merry" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, futo.ru) meaning "big, plump, thick."... [more]
JITSUKO   f   Japanese
Japanese feminine given name derived from 実 (jitsu) meaning "truth, reality, fidelity, faith, kindness, essence, substance" and 子 (ko) meaning "child".
JO   m   Japanese
which means "to yield or give."
JOHIRO   m   Japanese
JOMEI   m   Japanese
"Spread Light"
JONASAN   m   Japanese
Possibly the Japanese form of "Jonothan" or "Jamison".
JOSEI   m   Japanese
The name originates in Japan , Notably one Josei Todda Founder of Sokka Gakkai International
JOTARO   m   Japanese
JŪBĒ   m   Japanese
This name combines 十 (ji', juu, ju', to, too) meaning "ten" or 重 (juu, chou, e, omo, omo.i, omo.ri, kasa.naru, kasa.neru) meaning "heap up, heavy, pile up" with 兵衛 (bee) (see Hyōe).... [more]
JŪBEI   m   Japanese
Variant transcription of Jūbē.
JUDAI   m   Japanese (Modern, Rare)
The name means "teenager" or "teenage years".
JUGOROU   m   Japanese
From Japanese 寿 (ju) meaning "longevity, long life", 五 (go) meaning "five" and 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
JUKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 樹 (ju) meaning "tree; plant" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
JUKOU   m & f   Japanese
From Japanese 寿 (ju) meaning "longevity, long life" combined with 康 (kou) meaning "peace". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
JUN   m & f   Japanese
From Japanese 純 "genuine", 潤 "moisture", 淳 "pure", 順 "obey", 準 "comfort to", 洵 "truth" or 隼 "falcon".... [more]
JUNA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 朱 (ju) meaning "vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody" combined with 夏 (na) meaning "summer". Other kanji combinations are possible.
JUNGO   m   Japanese
JUN'ICHI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 順 (jun) meaning "obedience" or 純 (jun) meaning "pure" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one". Other kanji combinations are possible.
JUNICHIROU   m   Japanese
JUNKA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 絢 (jun) meaning "brilliant fabric design, kimono design" combined with 夏 (ka) meaning "summer". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.... [more]
JUNNA   m   Japanese
JUNPEI   m   Japanese
This name combines 淳 (shun, jun, atsu.i, kiyoshi) meaning "pure, affectionate," 惇 (shun, jun, ton, atsu.i) meaning "considerate, kind, sincere, faithful," 潤 (jun, uruo.u) meaning "moisten, favour, benefit" or 純 (jun) meaning "genuine, innocent, pure" with 平 (hyou, byou, hei) meaning "plain, flat, even, level" or 兵 (hyou, hei) meaning "army, private, soldier, troops, warrior."
JUNTA   m   Japanese
Means great swift steed. Made up of jun- "swift steed" and "-ta" or "great".
JUN'YA   m   Japanese
From Japanese 順 (jun) "order, turn" and 也 (ya) "sum of money."
JURI   f   Japanese (Modern)
This name combines 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree" or 寿 (shuu, ju, su, kotobuki, kotobu.ku, kotoho.gu) meaning "congratulations, longevity" with 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "justice, logic, reason, truth," 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, gem" or 莉 (rai, ri, rei), part of 茉莉 (matsuri) meaning "jasmine."... [more]
JURIA   f   Japanese (Modern)
This name can be used as 樹利亜, 樹里亜, 樹里愛, 樹莉亜, 樹理愛, 樹梨亜, 樹梨愛, 寿莉亜, 寿理愛 or 寿里亜 with 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree", 寿 (shuu, ju, su, kotobuki, kotobu.ku, kotoho.gu) meaning "congratulations, longevity," 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit, gain" 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 莉 (rai, ri, rei), part of 茉莉 (matsuri) meaning "jasmine," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "justice, logic, reason, truth," 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree," 亜 (a, tsu.gu) meaning "Asia, come after, rank next" and 愛 (ai, ito.shii, o.shimu, kana.shii, mana, me.deru, a) meaning "affection, love."... [more]
JURIAN   f   Japanese (Modern)
This name can be used as 寿理安, 寿莉杏, 樹里杏 or 樹莉杏 with 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree," 寿 (shuu, ju, su, kotobuki, kotobu.ku, kotoho.gu) meaning "congratulations, longevity," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "justice, logic, reason, truth," 莉 (rai, ri, rei), part of 茉莉 (matsuri) meaning "jasmine," 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 安 (an, yasu, yasu.i, yasu.maru, yasu.raka) meaning "cheap, low, peaceful, rested" and 杏 (an, kyou, kou, anzu) meaning "apricot."... [more]
JŪRŌTA   m   Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 十 (ji', juu, ju', to, too) meaning "ten" or 重 (juu, chou, e, omo, omo.i, omo.ri, kasa.naru, kasa.neru) meaning "heap up, heavy, pile up" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, merry" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, futo.ru) meaning "big plump, thick."... [more]
JŪSHIRŌ   m   Japanese
This name can be used as 十四郎, 十四朗, 十四良, 重四郎, 重四朗, 重師郎 or 充四郎 with 十 (ji', juu, ju', to, too) meaning "ten," 重 (juu, chou, e, omo, omo.i, omo.ri, kasa.naru, kasa.neru) meaning "heap up, heavy, pile up," 充 (juu, a.teru, mi.tasu) meaning "allot, fill," 四 (shi, yo, yo'.tsu, yo.tsu, yon) meaning "four," 師 (shi, su, nara.u, moromoro) meaning "exemplar, expert, master, model, teacher," 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son," 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, merry" and 良 (ryou, i.i, -i.i, yo.i, -yo.i, rou) meaning "good, excellent."... [more]
JUZO   m   Japanese
JYOU   m   Japanese
Japanese form of Joe.
KAATO   m   Japanese
Kaato is the Japanese form of Kurt.
KABUTO   m   Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name is used as either 甲 (ka, kan, kou, kinoe, kabuto) meaning "armour, headpiece" or 兜 (to, tou, kabuto) meaning "headpiece, (war) helmet."... [more]
KACHI   f & m   Japanese
KAE   f   Japanese
From Japanese 可 (ka) meaning "fruit" combined with 恵 (e) meaning "favour, benefit". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAEDA   f   Japanese
KAEKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "Canada", 江 (e) meaning "creek, bay" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAEMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "canada", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, painting, drawing, sketch" combined with 実 (mi) meaning "reality". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAEMON   m   Japanese (Archaic)
This name combines 嘉 (ka, yoi, yomi.suru) meaning "applaud, esteem, praise" or 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add, include, join" with 右衛門 (uemon) (see Uemon).... [more]
KAENA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "Canada", 恵 (e) meaning "favor, favour; benefit; confer kindness" combined with 奈 meaning "apple tree". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAERU   f & m   Japanese
From Japanese 蛙 (kaeru) meaning "frog" or from Japanese 華 (ka) meaning "flower", 荏 (e) meaning "herb" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAGAMI   f   Japanese
(ka) and (gami) both mean mirror.
KAGAMINE   f   Japanese
This name is most notable for the Vocaloids Kagamine Rin and Len. It means (Kagami) (mirror) (ne) (sound)... [more]
KAGARI   m & f   Japanese
(篝火) Japanese, meaning "bonfire"
KAGEHOSHI   f   Japanese
Comes from the japanese words "kage" meaning shadow and "hoshi" meaning star.
KAGEKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 影 (kage) meaning "light" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAGEMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 景 (kage) meaning "vista, view, scene" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAGERŌ   m & f   Japanese (Rare)Popular Culture
This name can be used as 景郎, 陽炎 or 蜉蝣 with 景 (kei, kage) meaning "scenery, view," 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son," 陽 (you, hi) meaning "daytime, heaven, male, positive, sunshine, yang principle," 炎 (en, honoo) meaning "blaze, flame, inflammation," 蜉 (fu), an outdated kanji meaning "kind of ant, may fly" and 蝣 (yuu), another outdated kanji meaning "may fly."... [more]
KAGEYA   m   Japanese
From Japanese 影 (kage) meaning "light" combined with 也 (ya) meaning "also". This name can be formed with other kanji combinations as well.
KAGURA   f   Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name can be used as 神楽, 楽羅 or 天楽 with 神 (shin, jin, kami, kan-, kou-, kagu) meaning "gods, mind, soul," 楽 (gaku, gou, raku, kono.mu, tano.shii, tano.shimu, ra) meaning "comfort, ease, music," 羅 (ra, usumono) meaning "gauze, Rome, thin silk" and 天 (ten, ama-, amatsu, ame) meaning "heavens, imperial, sky."... [more]
KAGUYA   f   Japanese
Meaning "radiant night".The name originates from the japanese story "Tale of the bamboo cutter." Where a bamboo cutter finds a girl in a bamboo stalk and adopts her... [more]
KAHO   f   Japanese
Japanese name made up of the characters for "flower" and "walk," or other combinations of kanji with the same readings.
KAI   m   Japanese
From the Japanese 魁 (kai) "to charge ahead," "the first to charge," "pioneer," "forerunner," "harbinger."
KAIBA   m   Popular CultureJapanese
Its direct and most consistent translation is "seahorse" in Japanese, which is also the more widely-accepted meaning among popular culture. The meaning is produced by combining the meanings of the first and second Japanese characters (see native spelling)... [more]
KAIBUTSU   m   Japanese
A Japanese name meaning "monster".
KAIDA   f   Japanese
Means "Little Dragon" in Japanese.
KAIHITO   m   Japanese
From Japanese 穎 (kai) meaning "rice tassel" combined with 人 (hito) meaning "person". Other kanji combinations can also form this name.
KAIICHI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 介 (kai) meaning "shell, shellfish" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAIICHIROU   m   Japanese
From Japanese 介 (kai) meaning "shell, shellfish", 一 (ichi) meaning "one" combined with 朗 (rou) meaning "clear; bright". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAIJI   m   Japanese
This name combines 海 (kai, umi, mi) meaning "ocean, sea," 快 (kai, kokoroyo.i) meaning "agreeable, cheerful, comfortable, pleasant," 開 (kai, a.ku, a.keru, hira.ki, hira.ku, hira.keru, -bira.ki) meaning "open, unfold, unseal" or 介 (kai) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, shellfish" with 二 (ji, ni, futa, futata.bi, futa.tsu) meaning "two," 治 (ji, chi, osa.maru, osa.meru, nao.su, nao.ru) meaning "be at peace, calm down, conserve, cure, government, heal, quell, reign, rule, subdue," 次 (shi, ji, tsugi, tsu.gu) meaning "next, order, sequence" or 司 (shi, tsukasado.ru, tsukasa) meaning "administer, director, government office, official, rule."
KAIKA   f & m   Japanese
From Japanese 快 (kai) meaning "cheerful" (mostly feminine) or 界 (kai) meaning "world" (mostly masculine) combined with 夏 (ka) meaning "summer" (mostly feminine) or 禾 (ka) meaning "rice plant" (mostly masculine)... [more]
KAIKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 甲 (ka) meaning "armor", 斐 (i) meaning "sun, day, sunshine" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAIMA   m   Japanese
From Japanese 魁 (kai) meaning "chief" combined with 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAIMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", 衣 (i) meaning "clothes" combined with 実 (mi) meaning "reality, truth". Other kanji combinations are possible
KAINÉ   f   Japanese (?)
"Broken sound"
KAISA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze, thin silk". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAISABUROU   m   Japanese
From Japanese 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean", 三 (sabu) meaning "three" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAISHO   m   Japanese
"Fly over the sea"
KAISHOU   m   Japanese
"Fly over the ocean"
KAISUKE   m   Japanese
From Japanese 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 介 (suke) meaning "shell, shellfish". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
KAITAROU   m   Japanese
From Japanese 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAIYA   f   Japanese
Kaiya means Forgiveness.
KAIYŌ   m   Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name combines 海 (kai, umi) meaning "ocean, sea" with 陽 (you, hi) meaning "daytime, heaven, male, positive, sunshine, yang principle" or 洋 (you) meaning "ocean, western style."... [more]
KAIYU   m   Japanese
KAKA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", duplicated once again. Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAKERE   f   Japanese
From Japanese 翔 (kakere) meaning "fly".
KAKERU   m   Japanese
This name can be used on its own as 翔 (shou, kake.ru, to.bu) meaning "fly, soar" or it can be combined with 琉 (ryuu, ru) meaning "gem, lapis lazuli, precious stone," 瑠 (ryuu, ru) meaning "lapis lazuli" or 流 (ryuu, ru, naga.re) meaning "a sink, current, flow, forfeit."... [more]
KAKO   f   Japanese
"Summer rainbow"
KAKU   m   Japanese
KAKUKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 赫 (kaku) meaning "bright red" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAKUZU   m   Japanese
Meaning edge+corner/capital
KALAESAKEMI   f   HawaiianJapanese
Hawaiian\Japanese... [more]
KAMADO   f   Japanese (Rare)
This name doesn't have a meaning since it is written phonetically and it is used most in Okinawa.... [more]
KAMEKO   f   Japanese
Means "child of the tortoise" in Japanese.
KAMEYO   f   Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 亀 (ki, kyuu, kin, kame) meaning "tortoise, turtle" with 代 (tai, dai, ka.eru, ka.waru, kawa.ru, -gawa.ri, -ga.wari, shiro, yo) meaning "age, change, charge, convert, fee, generation, period, rate, replace, substitute," 与 (yo, azuka.ru, ata.eru, kumi.suru, tomoni) meaning "award, bestow, cause, gift, give, godsend, impart, participate in, provide" or 世 (se, sei, sou, sanjuu, yo) meaning "generation, public, society, world."... [more]
KAMI   f & m   Japanese
In Japanese it means Divine... [more]
KAMIKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 郁 (ka) meaning "fragrance, perfume", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAMIN   f & m   Japanese
KAMINA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 樺 (ka) meaning "birch", 実 (mi) meaning "reality, truth" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAMIRA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 花 (ka) meaning "flower", 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, soul" combined with 良 (ra) meaning "good". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
KAMIYO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 紙 (kami) meaning "paper" combined with 代 (yo) meaning "generation". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAMUI   m   Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name can be used as 可夢偉, 華夢衣, 華夢威, 夏夢生, 加夢意 or 嘉夢威 with 可 (ka, kou, -be.ki, -be.shi) meaning "can, passable, possible," 華 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower," 夏 (ka, ga, ge, natsu) meaning "summer", 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add, include, join," 嘉 (ka, yoi, yomi.suru) meaning "applaud, esteem, praise," 夢 (bou, mu, kura.i, yume, yume.miru) meaning "dream, illusiom, vision," 偉 (i, era.i) meaning "excellent, greatness, distinguished," 衣 (i, e, kinu, -gi, koromo) meaning "clothes, garment," 威 (i, odo.kasu, odo.shi, odo.su) meaning "dignity, majesty, authority," 生 (shou, sei, i.kiru, i.keru, -u, u.mare, o.u, ki, na.ru, ha.eru) meaning "birth, genuine, life" and 意 (i) meaning "intention, mind, will, thought."... [more]
KAN   m   Japanese
From the Japanese 寛 (kan) "lenient," "gentle," "relaxed."
KANA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 夏 (ka) "summer" combined with 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens" or 奈 (na), a phonetic character. it is often written かな using the hiragana system.
KANADE   f   Japanese
Written in hiragana; means "to play a song/tune."
KANAE   f   Japanese
From Japanese 佳 (ka) "beautiful, good" or 香 (ka) "summer" or 奈 (na) "apple tree", 苗 (nae) "sprouts" and sometimes 恵 (e). Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
KANAKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "addition", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance" combined with 奈 (na) a phonetic character, 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens" and 子 (ko) "child"... [more]
KANAME   f & m   Japanese
Japanese translation from "focus", or "point of interest".... [more]
KANAMI   f   Japanese
Japanese feminine name with several possible meanings; 佳南 "good, auspicious, beautiful; south"; 光波 meaning "bright waves" and 奏心 "play music; heart, mind, soul", amongst many others.
KANATA   m & f   Japanese
As a unisex name, it can be used as 奏太, 奏多, 叶多 or 彼方 with 奏 (sou, kana.deru) meaning "play music, perform," 叶 (kyou, kana.u, kana.eru) meaning "answer, grant," 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, futo.ru) meaning "big, plump, thick," 多 (ta, oo.i, masa.ni, masa.ru) meaning "frequent, many, much," 彼 (hi, kano, ka.no, kare) meaning "he, that" and 方 (hou, kata, -kata, -gata, nata) meaning "direction, person."... [more]
KANATO   m   Japanese
KANE   f   Japanese
This name can be used as 兼 (ken, kane.ru, -kane.ru) meaning "concurrently, combine" or か, a phonetic character representing ka, with 子 (shi, su, tsu, ko, -ko, -ne) meaning "sign of the rat (1st sign of the Chinese zodiac)" or 禰 (dei, nai, ne) meaning "ancestral shrine."... [more]
KANEKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase, Canada", 年 (ne) meaning "year" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KANERU   f   Japanese
KANETSUGU   m   Japanese
Means bell/chime that succeeds/is heir.
KANJI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 莞 (kan) meaning "lenient, gentle" combined with 爾 (ji) meaning "speech". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KANJO   m   Japanese
it means emotion
KANNA   f   Japanese
The name was thought to have come around during Fuedel Japan, it's thought to have the meaning of 'Lily'. Now probably you will most commonly hear this name in the show, 'InuYasha'.... [more]
KANNIKA   f   Japanese
Kannika means "Jasmine-Like Blossom." ... [more]
KANO   m   JapanesePopular Culture
A character in Mortal Kombat.... [more]
KANOA   f   Japanese
Japanese In Origin, Feminine.
KANOKO   f   Japanese
A Japanese name meaning "deer child", from 鹿 (shika, kan) meaning "deer", and 子 (ko) meaning "child".
KANTAROU   m   Japanese
A well known name from one of the main characters in the anime/manga "Tactics"
KAON   f   Japanese
From Japanese 華 (ka) meaning "flower" combined with 音 (on) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAORUKO   f   Japanese
Tsubomi's Grandma's name from Heartcatch Precure
KAREHA   f   Japanese
Means "dried leaves" in Japanese
KAREN   f   Japanese
Means fruit in japanese is also character in popular show "Bleach"
KARIKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 雁 (kari) meaning "wild goose" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KARIN   f   Japanese
Means "flower bell" in Japanese
KARUI   f   Japanese
KARUMA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone" combined with 摩 (ma) meaning "to rub; to scour; to grind". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KASANE   f   Japanese
Multiple meaning "Piled-up Sound," "Double Sound," "Heavy Sound."
KASHIWA   m   Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as a single kanji, 柏 (haku, hyaku, byaku, kashiwa) meaning "oak," or it can be combined with 可 (ka, koku, -be.ki, -be.shi) meaning "can, passable, possible," 士 (shi) meaning "gentleman, samurai" and 和 (o, ka, wa, nago.mu, yawa.ragu) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften."... [more]
KASUGA   f   Japanese
"Spring day"
KATSUAKI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 一 (katsu) meaning "one" combined with 章 (aki) meaning "chapter; section". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name. ... [more]
KATSUHISA   m   Japanese
KATSUIE   m   Japanese
KATSUKI   m & f   Japanese
As a unisex name, it combines 佳 (ka, kei) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good, pleasing, skilled", 伽 (ka, ga, kya, gya, togi) meaning "attending, entertainer, nursing", 嘉 (ka, yoi, yomi.suru) meaning "applaud, esteem, praise", 夏 (ka, ga, ge, natsu) meaning "summer", 歌 (ka, uta, uta.u) meaning "sing, song" or 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add(ition), Canada, include, increase, join" with 月 (gatsu, getsu, tsuki) meaning "month, moon."... [more]
KATSUKO   f   Japanese
KATSUMI   m & f   Japanese
This name combines 勝 (shou, ka.tsu, katsu, -ga.chi, sugu.reru, masa.ru) meaning "excel, prevail, victory, win" or 克 (koku, ka.tsu) meaning "kindly, overcome, skillfully" with 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beautiful, beauty," 実 (shitsu, jitsu, makotoni, mi, michi.ru, mino, mino.ru) meaning "reality, truth," 巳 (shi, mi) meaning "sign of the snake/serpent (6th sign of the Chinese zodiac)," 己 (ki, ko, onore, tsuchinoto, na, mi) meaning "self, serpent, snake" or 海 (kai, umi, mi) meaning "ocean, sea." It can also be used as 加津美, 佳津美 or かつ美 with 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add(ition), Canada, include, increase, join," 佳 (ka, kei) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good, pleasing, skilled," 津 (shin, tsu, zu) meaning "ferry, harbour, haven, port" and the two phonetic characters making up Katsu (かつ).... [more]
KATSUNE   f & m   Japanese (?)
From Japanese meaning of "fox".
KATSURA   f & m   Japanese (Rare)
This name is used as 桂 (kei, katsura) meaning "Japanese Judas-tree" (unisex) or 葛 (kachi, katsu, kuzu, tsudzura, katsura) meaning "arrowroot, kudzu" (feminine).... [more]
KATSUTOSHI   m   Japanese
KATSUYOSHI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 勝 (katsu) meaning "victory" combined with 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck", 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous", or 良 (yoshi) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable"... [more]
KAYA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 華 (ka) "flower, petal, splendor" combined with 也 (ya) "to be (classical)". Also 佳(ka) "excellent, beautiful, good" combined with 弥 (ya) "all the more, increasingly"... [more]
KAYKO   f   Japanese
KAYO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 賀 (ka) meaning "congratulate, greet, celebrate" combined with 代 (yo) meaning "generation". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
KAYOKO   f   Japanese
KAZE   m & f   Japanese
This name is used as 風 (fu, fuu, kaza-, kaze, -kaze) meaning "air, manner, style, wind."
KAZEKO   f   Japanese
Means "wind child" in Japanese.
KAZUHA   f   Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from 和 (kazu) meaning "peace, harmony" and 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf".
KAZUHIKO   m   Japanese
KazumaKazukoKazukeKazukiKazueKazuo. "It means 'harmony' or 'peace' (Kazu), combined with 'day's child' (Hiko).
KAZUHIRA   m   Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, kazu) meaning "one," 和 (o, ka, wa, nago.mu, nago.yaka, yawa.ragu, yawa.rageru, kazu) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften" or 数 (saku, shu, su, suu, soku, kazu, kazo.eru, shibashiba, se.meru, wazurawa.shii) meaning "figure, number, count" with 平 (hyou, byou, hei, tai.ra, -daira, hira, hira-) meaning "plain, flat, even, level."... [more]
KAZUHIRO   m   Japanese
"Kazu" is ocean, "Hiro" is wide/spacious.Â@Â@Wide Ocean.... [more]
KAZUHITO   m   Japanese
KAZUKA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 一 (kazu) meaning "one" combined with 嘉 (ka) meaning "excellent, good". This name can be formed of other kanji characters as well.
KAZUMA   m   Japanese
This name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito, hito.tsu, kazu) meaning "one" or 和 (o, ka, wa, nago.mu, nago.yaka, yawa.ragu, yawa.rageru, kazu) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften" with 真 (shin, ma, ma-, makoto) meaning "real, true," 馬 (ba, uma, -uma, ma) meaning "horse," 磨 (ma, su.ru, miga.ku) meaning "brush, grind, improve, polish," 摩 (ma, sa.suru, su.ru, ma.suru) meaning "chafe, grind, polish, rub," 満 (ban, man, mi.tasu, mi.chiru, mi.tsu, ma) meaning "full, fulfill, satisfy" or 眞, an outdated variant of 真.... [more]
KAZUMASA   m   Japanese
From Japanese 一 (kazu) meaning "one" or 和 (kazu) meaning "harmony, peace" combined with 正 (masa) meaning "just proper" or 政 (masa) meaning "government"... [more]
KAZUMI   f & m   Japanese
From Japanese 和 (kazu) "harmony" or 一 (kazu) "one" combined with 美 (mi) "beautiful" or 三 (mi) "three".
KAZUNA   f   Japanese
KAZUNE   m   Japanese
KAZURŌ   m   Japanese
From Japanese 和 (kazu) meaning "peace, harmony" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
KAZUSA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 一 (kazu) meaning "one" combined with 沙 (sa) meaning "sand". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAZUSHI   m   Japanese
KAZUTO   m   Japanese (Rare)
Kazuto (written: 一翔, 一人, 一登, 一仁, 一斗, 一刀, 和人 or カズト in hiragana) is a masculine Japanese given name.... [more]
KAZUYA   m   Japanese
Kazuya can be written using different kanji characters and can mean:... [more]
KAZUYO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 和 (kazu) meaning "harmony, peace" or 一 (kazu) meaning "one" combined with 世 (yo) "generation".
KAZUYOSHI   m   Japanese
KAZUYUKI   m   Japanese
This name combines 和 (o, ka, wa, nago.mu, nago.yaka, yawa.ragu, yawa.rageru, kazu) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften" or 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, kazu) meaning "one" with 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku, yuki) meaning "of, this," 幸 (kou, saiwa.i, sachi, shiawa.se, yuki) meaning "blessing, fortune, happiness," 征 (sei, yuki) meaning "conquer, subjugate," 志 (shi, kokorozashi, kokoroza.su, shiringu, yuki) meaning "aspire, hope, intention, motive, shilling," 行 (an, gyou, kou, -i.ki, -iki, i.ku, okona.u, oko.nau, -yu.ki, -yuki, yu.ku) meaning "going" or 雪 (setsu, yuki) meaning "snow."... [more]
KEI   f & m   Japanese
square jewel... [more]
KEIGO   m   Japanese
From Japanese 慶 (kei) meaning "celebrate", 敬 (kei) meaning "respect", 啓 (kei) meaning "open, begin" or 恵 (kei) meaning "favour, benefit" combined with 悟 (go) meaning "enlightenment, to apprehend, realize, become aware"... [more]
KEIGOROU   m   Japanese
Japanese meaning "joyful fifth son" or "joyful enlightened son"
KEIICHI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 啓(kei) "revelation" or 恵(kei) "bless" or 敬(kei) "respect" or 圭(kei) "noble" or 慶(kei) "happiness" combined with 一 (ichi) "one".
KEIJU   m   Japanese
This name combines 佳 (ka, kei) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good," 京 (kyou, kin, kei, miyako) meaning "capital," 啓 (kei, sato.su, hira.ku) meaning "open, reveal, say," 圭 (ke, kei) meaning "angle, corner, edge," 恵 (e, kei, megu.mi, megu.mu) meaning "blessing, favour, grace, kindness," 慧 (e, kei, satoi) meaning "wise, sagacious, keen," 慶 (kei, yoroko.bi) meaning "congratulation, jubilation, felicitation" or 桂 (kei, katsura) meaning "cinnamon tree" with 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree" or 寿 (shuu, ju, su, kotobuki, kotobu.ku, kotoho.gu) meaning "congratulations, longevity."... [more]
KEIKA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 蛍 (kei) meaning "firefly" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower, blossom". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEIKEI   m & f   Japanese
From Japanese 荊 (kei) meaning "system" combined with 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, creek". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEIKI   f & m   Japanese
From Japanese 慶 (kei) meaning "celebrate" combined with 樹 (ki) "tree; plant" or combined with 貴 (ki) meaning "valuable" or 紀 (ki) meaning "chronicle"... [more]
KEIMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 蛍 (kei) meaning "firefly" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEINE   f   Japanese
From Japanese 恵 (kei) meaning "favour, benefit" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEINO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 桂 (kei) meaning "the katsura, the Japanese Judas tree" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
KEINOSUKE   m   Japanese
From Japanese 慶 (kei) meaning "jubilation", 之 (no), a possessive marker combined with 輔 (suke) meaning "assist". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
KEIO   m   Japanese
From Japanese 敬 (kei) meaning "respect" combined with 夫 (o) meaning "man, male". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEIRI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 慶 (kei) meaning "celebrate" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEIRU   f   Japanese
From Japanese 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, creek" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEISEI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 馨 (kei) meaning "fragrant, aromatic" combined with 正 (sei) meaning "first (month of the lunar year)". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEISUKE   m   Japanese
This name combines 恵 (e, kei, megu.mi, megu.mu) meaning "blessing, favour, grace, kindness," 慶 (kei, yoroko.bi) meaning "congratulation, jubilation, felicitation" or 蛍 (kei, hotaru) meaning "firefly, lightning-bug" with 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, help, care," 助 (jo, suke, su.keru, tasu.karu, tasu.keru) meaning "assist, help, save, rescue," 輔 (fu, ho, tasuke.ru, suke) meaning "help" or 亮 (ryou, akiraka, suke) meaning "clear, help."
KEITA   m   Japanese
From kanji  (kei) meaning "celebrate" and  (ta) meaning "thick, big". A famous bearer is the Japanese musician, Keita Tachibana.
KEITAI   m   Japanese
KENGO   m   Japanese
KEN'ICHIRŌ   m   Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) meaning "healthy, strong", 一 (ichi) meaning "one" and 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.... [more]
KENJIRŌ   m   Japanese
KENJIROU   m   Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) meaning "healthy, strong", 二 (ji) meaning "two" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KENKI   m   Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 賢 (ken) meaning "intelligence" combined with 希 (ki) meaning "hope". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
KENKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) "healthy, strong" and 子 (ko) "child".
KENMA   m   Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) meaning "healthy, strong" combined with 真 (ma) meaning "real, genuine". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KENMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 賢 (ken) meaning "intelligence" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KENSHI   m   Japanese
Kenshi means 'swordsman' in Japanese
KENSHIRO   m   Japanese
KENSHŌ   m   Japanese
From Japanese 賢 (ken) meaning "intelligence" combined with 章 (shō) meaning "chapter; section". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KENSUKE   m   Japanese
KENTARO   m   Japanese
Variant transcription of Kentarou.
KENTAROU   m   Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) "healthy, strong", 太 (ta) "thick, big" and 郎 (rou) "son".
KENTO   m   Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) "healthy, strong" and 人 (to) "person".
KENYA   m   Japanese
This name combines 健 (ken, suko.yaka) meaning "healthy, sound, strength," 建 (ken, kon, ta.tsu, ta.te, ta.teru, -da.te) meaning "build,, construct," 憲 (ken) meaning "rule, law," 研 (ken, to.gu) meaning "polish, sharpen, study," 謙 (ken) meaning "modest, humble" or 賢 (ken, kashiko.i) meaning "clever, intelligent, wise" with 也 (e, ya, ka, nari, mata) meaning "to be (archaic form)," 哉 (sai, kana, ya) meaning "alas, how, question mark, what" or 弥 (bi, mi, amaneshi, iya, iyoiyo, tooi, hisashi, hisa.shii, ya, wata.ru) meaning "all the more, increasingly."
KENZO   m   JapaneseFrench
Depending on the kanji used to write Kenzo, it can have different meanings. Some possible ways of writing it are 賢三 "wise, three", 健三 "healthy, three", 謙三 "humble, three", 健想 "healthy, concept", 建造 "build, create", 健蔵 "healthy, storehouse", 憲蔵 "constitution, storehouse", and 研造 "polish, create".... [more]
KEOKO   f   Japanese
KESA   f   Japanese
This name is used as either 今朝 or 袈裟 with 今 (kin, kon, ima) meaning "now," 朝 (chou, asa) meaning "dynasty, epoch, morning, regime," 袈 (ka, ke) meaning "a coarse camlet" and 裟 (sa... [more]
KESAO   m   Japanese
This name combines 今朝 or 袈裟 (kesa) (see Kesa) with 雄 (yuu, o-, osu, on) meaning "male, masculine," 男 (dan, nan, o, otoko) meaning "man, male" or 夫 (fu, fuu, bu, otto, sore, o) meaning "husband, man."... [more]
KETSUTSURE   f & m   Japanese
Is an infrequent Japanese blessing on a newborn child, and is in fact more a statement than a word meaning "be strong minded with love, kindness and the ability to love, be loved, and blessed with beauty and intelligence".
KIARIA   f   JapanesePolynesian MythologyAfrican AmericanHawaiian
Kiaria, meaning responsible or powerful. Spirit, in the myth "Holona Étrusa". Kiaria was a helpful person (spirit) and owned "Jomaleé" a fictional country in Hawaii.... [more]
KIATSU   f & m   Japanese
Means "atmospheric pressure" in Japanese.
KIBA   f & m   Japanese
Fang.... [more]
KIE   f   Japanese
japanese word
KIICHI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice" and 一 (ichi) meaning "one". This name can also be formed of other kanji combinations.
KIICHIRO   m   Japanese
KIKI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ki) meaning "hollyhock" combined with 希 (ki) meaning "hope". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KIKKAN   m   Japanese
KIKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 希 (ki) "beg, request; hope; rare" or 紀 (ki) "record, annal; century" combined with 子 (ko) "child"
KIKUE   f   Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 菊 (Kiku) "chrysanthemum" and 栄 (e) "prosperity".
KIKUKO   f   Japanese
kiku(菊) means Chrysanthemum. you can also yuse 喜久for "kiku"(喜happiness 久long or forever).... [more]
KIKUMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice", 久 (ku) meaning "long time" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible as well.
KIKUNE   f   Japanese
Japanese feminine given name derived from 菊 (kiku) and 禰 (ne) meaning "ancestral shrine".
KIKUNO   f   Japanese
Japanese feminine given name 菊 (kiku) meaning "chrysanthemum" and 乃 (no) meaning "of".
KIKUNOSUKE   m   Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 菊 (kiku) meaning "chrysanthemum" or 喜 (ki, yoroko.basu, yoroko.bu) meaning "rejoice, pleasure" & 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time" and 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku) meaning "of, this" with 助 (jo, suke, su.keru, tasu.karu, tasu.keru) meaning "assist, help, save, rescue," 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, help, care" or 輔 (fu, ho, tasu.keru, suke) meaning "help."... [more]
KIKUO   m   Japanese
From Japanese 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice", 久 (ku) meaning "long time" combined with 夫 (o) meaning "man, husband". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KIKUYO   f   Japanese
From Japanese meaning 喜 (ki) meaning "child", 久 (ku) meaning "nine" combined with 代 (yo) meaning "generation". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KIKUYU   f   Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from 菊 (kiku) meaning "chrysanthemum" and 夕 (yu) meaning "evening".
KIKYŌ   f   Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 桔梗, 希杏, 希香, 紀杏, 紀香, 紀響, 樹杏, 樹香, 妃杏, 妃京, 妃香, 季叶, 季杏, 姫香 with 桔 (kitsu, ketsu, ki), which is used in plant names, 梗 (kyou, kou, oomune, fusagu, yamanire) meaning "flower stem, branch, prickle," 希 (ki, ke, mare) meaning "few, hope, wish, rare," 杏 (an, kyou, kou, anzu) meaning "apricot," 香 (kyou, kou, ka, kao.ri, kao.ru) meaning "incense, perfume, smell," 紀 (ki) meaning "account, chronicle, history, narrative," 響 (kyou, hibi.ku) meaning "echo, resound, ring, sound, vibrate," 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree," 妃 (hi, kisaki, ki) meaning "princess," 京 (kyou, kin, kei, miyako) meaning "capital," 季 (ki) meaning "season," 叶 (kyou, kana.u, kana.eru) meaning "answer, grant" and 姫 (ki, hime, hime-) meaning "princess."... [more]
KILLUA   m   Japanese
Hunter x Hunter. This character is known for being an electric badass. He is from the zoldyck family which is a family of assassins so he received vigorous training to endure all types of torture.
KIMI   f   EnglishJapanese
Short form of KIMIKO or a variant of KIMMY.... [more]
KIMIHIRO   m   Japanese
"Benevolence" "Ocean"
KIMIKA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ki) meaning "sunflower", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KIMIMARU   m   Japanese
a name animators used in the show naruto as one of orochimaru's servants his kekegenkai enabled him to use his bones as weapons he died of a disease in his lungs
KIMITSUKI   f   Japanese
Means emperess moon... [more]
KIN   f   Japanese
This name can be used as 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold," 欣 (kin, gon, kon, yoroko.bu, yoroko.bi) meaning "take pleasure in, rejoice," 琴 (kin, koto) meaning "harp, koto," 錦 (kin, nishiki) meaning "brocade, fine dress, honors," 謹 (kin, tsutsushi.mu) meaning "discreet, humbly, reverently," 欽 (kin, kon, tsutsushi.mu) meaning "respect, revere, long for," 均 (kin, nara.su) meaning "average, level" or 菫 (kin, sumire) meaning "the violet."... [more]
KINGA   m   Japanese (Rare, Archaic)
This name combines 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold" with 峨 (ga, kewa.shii) meaning "steep" or 鵞 (ga) meaning "goose."... [more]
KINICHIROU   m   Japanese
From the Japanese kin (meaning gold), ichi (meaning one), and rou (meaning son).
KINJI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 勤 (kin) meaning "industrious, diligent, attentive" combined with 次 (ji) meaning "next, secondary". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name... [more]
KINNOSUKE   m   Japanese
This name combines 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold," 欣 (kin, gon, kon, yoroko.bu, yoroko.bi) meaning "pleasure, rejoice," 欽 (kin, kon, tsutsushi.mu) meaning "respect, revere" or 錦 (kin, nishiki) meaning "brocade" and 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku) meaning "of, this" with 助 (jo, suke, su.keru, tasu.karu, tasu.keru) meaning "assist, help, save, rescue," 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, help, care" or 輔 (fu, ho, tasu.keru, suke) meaning "help."... [more]
KINO   m & f   Japanese
Wandering Soul
KINOKO   f & m   Japanese
Means "mushroom" in Japanese.
KINTARŌ   m   Japanese
This name combines 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold", 欣 (kin, gon, kon, yoroko.bu, yoroko.bi) meaning "take pleasure in, rejoice", 欽 (kin, kon, tsutsushi.mu) meaning "respect, revere, long for", 錦 (kin, nishiki) meaning "brocade, fine dress, honors" or 琴 (kin, koto) meaning "harp, koto" with 太郎 (tarou) meaning "eldest son" (from 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, futo.ru) meaning "big around, plump, thick" and 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son.")... [more]
KINU   f   Japanese
This name is used as 絹 (ken, kinu) meaning "silk."... [more]
KINUE   f   Japanese
KINUKO   f   Japanese
KINYA   m   Japanese
This name combines 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold," 欣 (kin, gon, kon, yoroko.bu, yoroko.bi) meaning "pleasure, rejoice," 欽 (kin, kon, tsutsushi.mu) meaning "respect, revere" or 錦 (kin, nishiki) meaning "brocade" with 也 (e, ya, ka, nari, mata) meaning "to be (archaic form)," 哉 (sai, kana, ya) meaning "alas, how, question mark, what" or 弥 (bi, mi, amaneshi, iya, iyoiyo, tooi, hisashi, hisa.shii, ya, wata.ru) meaning "all the more, increasingly."... [more]
KIOKO   f   Japanese
KION   f   Japanese
From Japanese 希 (ki) meaning "beg, request" combined with 苑 (on) meaning "pasture, park, garden". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KIRA   m & f   Japanese
It means "sparkle", "light", or "glitter". In the use of Katakana, it means "Killer". In Japanese pop culture, the main male character in a well known Anime, DEATH NOTE, goes by Kira.
KIRARA   f   Japanese (Modern)
This name can be used as 雲母, 希来々, 稀良々, 綺羅々, 騎蘭々 or 喜楽々 with 雲 (un, kumo, -gumo, ki) meaning "cloud," 母 (bo, haha, mo) meaning "mother," 希 (ki, ke, mare) meaning "few, hope, wish, rare," 来 (tai, rai, kita.su, ku.ru) meaning "become, cause, come, next," 稀 (ki, ke, mabora, mare) meaning "rare," 良 (ryou, i.i, -i.i, yo.i, -yo.i) meaning "good, excellent," 綺 (ki, aya) meaning "beautiful, figured cloth," 羅 (ra, usumono) meaning "gauze, thin silk," 騎 (ki) meaning "equestrian," 蘭 (ra, ran) meaning "orchid," 喜 (ki, yoroko.basu, yoroko.bu) meaning "rejoice, pleasure" and 楽 (gaku, gou, raku, kono.mu, tano.shii, tano.shimu, ra) meaning "comfort, ease."... [more]
KIRARI   f   Japanese
From the word きらり meaning to sparkle.
KIREI   m   Japanese
From 綺 (ki) "beautiful" and 礼 (rei) "thanks, salute"
KIREINA   f   Japanese
Meaning 'beautiful one' in Japanese.
KIRI   f   Japanese
Kiri is the Japanese word for the Paulownia tree, specifically referring to P. tomentosa; it is also known as the "princess tree" after princess Anna Paulowna, queen consort of The Netherlands (1795–1865), daughter of Tsar Paul I of Russia.... [more]
KIRIGAYA   m   Japanese
It's a unique name, often used by traditional families. Translated into an ancient language it means azure, sky blue, pure,delicate,tone,sound or clear. Through long times this name was replaced in another language through "Au-" and the following namepart.
KIRIKO   f   Japanese
Kiriko Aoi, from Godannar... [more]

Japanese Submitted Names

Japanese names are used in Japan and in Japanese communities throughout the world. Note that depending on the Japanese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here. See also about Japanese names.
There are 2,393 names matching your criteria. This is page 3.

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.

INUYASHA   m   JapanesePopular Culture
"Inu" meaning dog and "yasha" meaning a friendly spirit. This name is used in the manga and anime series, InuYasha... [more]
IO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 伊 (i) meaning "great, excellent, magnificent" combined with 緒 (o) meaning "cord". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
IOKI   m   Japanese (Rare)
IOKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 伊 (i) meaning "great, excellent, magnificent", 緒 (o) meaning "cord" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IORI   f & m   Japanese
This name can be used as 庵 (an, iori, io) meaning "hermitage, retreat" (masculine) or it can combine 一 (ichi, hito.tsu, i) meaning "one," 伊 (i, kare) meaning "that one," 衣 (i, e, kinu, koromo) meaning "clothes, garment," 依 (i, e, yo.ru) meaning "depend, rely," 唯 (i, yui, tada) meaning "merely, only, simply, solely" or 惟 (i, yui, omo.uni, kore) meaning "consider, think" with 織 (o.ri) meaning "fabric, weave."... [more]
IRIE   f   Japanese
"Blessing, favour"
IRINA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 以 (i) meaning "compared to", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, benefit" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IROHA   f   Japanese
This name combines 彩 (sai, irodo.ru) meaning "colouring, paint" with 葉 (you, ha) meaning "blade, leaf, needle," 羽 (u, ha, hane, wa) meaning "feather," 巴 (ha, uzumaki, tomoe) meaning "comma-design," 映 (ei, utsu.su, utsu.ru, ha.eru, -ba.e) meaning "projection, reflect(ion)" or 波 (ha, nami) meaning "billow, wave, ripple."... [more]
ISAE   f   Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 功栄, 功英, 功恵, 功枝, 功江, 伊佐江 or 伊佐恵 with 功 (ku, kou, isao, isa) meaning "achievement, credit, honour, merits, success", 伊 (i, kare) meaning "Italy, that one", 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help", 栄 (ei, you, e, saka.eru, ha.e, ha.eru, -ba.e) meaning "flourish, glory, honour, prosperity, splendour", 英 (ei, hanabusa, e) meaning "England, English, excellent", 恵 (e, kei, megu.mi, megu.mu) meaning "blessing, favour, grace, kindness", 枝 (shi, eda, e) meaning "bough, branch, limb, twig" and 江 (kou, e) meaning "bay, creek, inlet."... [more]
ISAKI   f   Japanese
ISAMI   m & f   Japanese
In the case for males, this uncommonly used name is used as 勇 "yuu, isa.mu" meaning "bravery, be in high spirits, courage, heroism", although it's more often used as Isamu... [more]
ISANE   f   Japanese
"courage"; "sound"
ISAO   m   Japanese
Means "honor; merit".
ISAS   m   Japanese
Means "worthy of merit" in Japanese.
ISAWA   f   Japanese (Rare)
ISHI   f   Japanese
"Rock, stone" Stone connotates a dependable, nurturing character
ISHIKO   f   Japanese
From 石 ishi "stone" and 子 ko "child" in Japanese.
ISHIYO   f   Japanese
Stone- Represents strong, durable character.
ISO   f   Japanese
This name is used as 磯 (ki, iso) meaning "beach, seashore," implying that, according to Sakaye Suzuki, the girl being given this name may have been born close to the coast/shore.... [more]
ISSEI   m   Japanese
Diminutive of Kazumasa. This name is also used as a nickname meaning "first generation", it is term used in countries in North America and South America to specify the Japanese people who were first to immigrate... [more]
ISSEY   m   Japanese
Variant transcription of Issei.
ISSHIN   m   Japanese
"one"; "mind" (Name reading: "whole-heartedness")
ISSHŪ   m   Japanese
This name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, i') meaning "one" with 秀 (shuu, hii.deru, ho) meaning "beauty, excel(lence), surpass", 州 (shuu, su, su, kuni) meaning "province, state", 秋 (shuu, aki, toki) meaning "autumn", 舟 (shuu, funa-, fune, -bune) meaning "boat, ship" or 脩 (shuu, osa.meru, naga.i, hojishi) meaning "dried meat."... [more]
ITACHI   m   Japanese
Itachi is a name that derives from the manga Naruto; the name is given to the older brother of Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha.... [more]
ITARU   m   Japanese
This name can be used as 到 (tou, ita.ru) meaning "arrival, attain, reach, result in," 暢 (chou, nobi.ru, itaru) meaning "stretch, relax," 格 (kaku, kyoku, kou, gou, itaru) meaning "capacity, character, rank, status," 至 (shi, ita.ru), with the same meaning as 到, or 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku, itaru) meaning "of, this."... [more]
ITO   f   Japanese
This name can be used as 糸 (shi, ito) meaning "thread, yarn" 愛 (ai, ito.shii) meaning "affection, love," 絃 (gen, ito) meaning "string" or 綸 (kan, rin, ito) meaning "silk cloth, thread."... [more]
ITONA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ito) meaning "love, affection" combined with 夏 (na) meaning "summer". Other kanji combinations are possible.
ITSUKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 逸 (itsu) "flee, escape, break loose" and 子 (ko) "child".
ITSUMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 逸 (itsu) meaning "superb, great, outstanding" combined with 巳 (mi) meaning "sign of the snake". Other kanji combinations are possible.
ITTOKU   m   Japanese
This name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, i') meaning "one" with 徳 (toku) meaning "benevolence, goodness, virtue" or 得 (toku, u.ru, e.ru) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit, gain."... [more]
IWA   f   Japanese
This name can be used as 岩 (gan, iwa) meaning "rock, crag" or 磐 (han, ban, iwa), with the same meaning as 岩.... [more]
IWAO   m   Japanese
This name can be used as 巌 (gan, iwa, iwao, kewa.shii) or 巖 (gan, iwa, iwao, kewa.shii) which both mean "rock, crag."... [more]
IYASU   f & m   Japanese
From Japanese 癒す (iyasu) meaning "to heal". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IYO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 以 (i) meaning "compared to" combined with 世 (yo) meaning "world". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IZAYA   f & m   Japanese
Japanese form of Isaiah
IZAYO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 十 (i) meaning "ten", 六 (za) meaning "six" combined with 夜 (yo) meaning "night; the evening". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IZAYOI   f & m   Japanese
sixteen-day-old moon
IZŌ   m   Japanese
IZUKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 伊 (i) meaning "Iraq", 津 (zu) meaning "ferry crossing; ford" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IZUMIKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 泉 (izumi) meaning "fountain, spring" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
IZUMO   m & f   Japanese
This name can be used as 出雲 (unisex) or 伊豆母 (masculine) with 出 (shutsu, sui, i.dasu, i.deru, da.su, -da.su, -de, de.ru, izu) meaning "come out, exit, go out, leave" (using archaic verb izu), 雲 (un, kumo, -gumo, zumo) meaning "cloud," 伊 (i, kare) meaning "that one," 豆 (zu, tou, mame, mame-) meaning "(soy)bean, pea" and 母 (bo, haha, mo) meaning "mother."... [more]
IZUNA   f   Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 泉 (sei, izumi, izu) meaning "fountain, spring" with 奈 (dai, na, nai, ikan, karanashi) meaning "wild apple," 菜 (sai, na) meaning "greens, side dish, vegetable" or 名 (myou, mei, na) meaning "name, reputation."... [more]
IZUO   m   Japanese
From Japanese 泉 (izu) meaning "fountain, spring" combined with 夫 (o) meaning "man, husband". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.... [more]
JAGI   m   Japanese
JAKOBE   m   Japanese
"Shrine families", "City"
JAPAKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 蛇 (ja) meaning "snake, large snake, serpent", 派 (pa) meaning "school" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
JIKAN   m   Japanese
Meaning "silence".... [more]
JINICHI   m   Japanese
Meaning: gentle one, from the components JIN (gentle, tender) and ICHI (one)
JINNOSUKE   m   Japanese
This name combines 仁 (jin, ni, nin) meaning "benevolence, charity, humanity, kernel, man, virtue" or 甚 (jin, hanaha.da, hanaha.dashii) meaning "exceedingly, great, tremendously, very" and 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku) meaning "of, this" with 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, shellfish," 助 (jo, suke.ru, tasuke.ru) meaning "assist, help, rescue" or 輔 (fu, ho, tasu.keru, suke) meaning "help."... [more]
JINSUNE   m & f   Japanese (Rare)
仁(Jin) means consideration and kindness... [more]
JINTA   m   Japanese
From 仁 (jin) "benevolence" and 太 (ta) "thick."
JIRŌTA   m   Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 二 (ji, ni, futa, futata.bi, futa.tsu) meaning "two," 次 (shi, ji, tsugi, tsu.gu) meaning "next, second," 治 (ji, chi, osa.maru, osa.meru, nao.su, nao.ru) meaning "cure, govern, heal, reign, rule," 司 (shi, tsukasado.ru, tsukasa) meaning "administer, direct, government office, official, rule" or 道 (tou, dou, michi, ji) meaning "course, journey, road, street, moral principle" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, merry" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, futo.ru) meaning "big, plump, thick."... [more]
JITSUKO   f   Japanese
Japanese feminine given name derived from 実 (jitsu) meaning "truth, reality, fidelity, faith, kindness, essence, substance" and 子 (ko) meaning "child".
JO   m   Japanese
which means "to yield or give."
JOHIRO   m   Japanese
JOMEI   m   Japanese
"Spread Light"
JONASAN   m   Japanese
Possibly the Japanese form of "Jonothan" or "Jamison".
JOSEI   m   Japanese
The name originates in Japan , Notably one Josei Todda Founder of Sokka Gakkai International
JOTARO   m   Japanese
JŪBĒ   m   Japanese
This name combines 十 (ji', juu, ju', to, too) meaning "ten" or 重 (juu, chou, e, omo, omo.i, omo.ri, kasa.naru, kasa.neru) meaning "heap up, heavy, pile up" with 兵衛 (bee) (see Hyōe).... [more]
JŪBEI   m   Japanese
Variant transcription of Jūbē.
JUDAI   m   Japanese (Modern, Rare)
The name means "teenager" or "teenage years".
JUGOROU   m   Japanese
From Japanese 寿 (ju) meaning "longevity, long life", 五 (go) meaning "five" and 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
JUKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 樹 (ju) meaning "tree; plant" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
JUKOU   m & f   Japanese
From Japanese 寿 (ju) meaning "longevity, long life" combined with 康 (kou) meaning "peace". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
JUN   m & f   Japanese
From Japanese 純 "genuine", 潤 "moisture", 淳 "pure", 順 "obey", 準 "comfort to", 洵 "truth" or 隼 "falcon".... [more]
JUNA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 朱 (ju) meaning "vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody" combined with 夏 (na) meaning "summer". Other kanji combinations are possible.
JUNGO   m   Japanese
JUN'ICHI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 順 (jun) meaning "obedience" or 純 (jun) meaning "pure" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one". Other kanji combinations are possible.
JUNICHIROU   m   Japanese
JUNKA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 絢 (jun) meaning "brilliant fabric design, kimono design" combined with 夏 (ka) meaning "summer". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.... [more]
JUNNA   m   Japanese
JUNPEI   m   Japanese
This name combines 淳 (shun, jun, atsu.i, kiyoshi) meaning "pure, affectionate," 惇 (shun, jun, ton, atsu.i) meaning "considerate, kind, sincere, faithful," 潤 (jun, uruo.u) meaning "moisten, favour, benefit" or 純 (jun) meaning "genuine, innocent, pure" with 平 (hyou, byou, hei) meaning "plain, flat, even, level" or 兵 (hyou, hei) meaning "army, private, soldier, troops, warrior."
JUNTA   m   Japanese
Means great swift steed. Made up of jun- "swift steed" and "-ta" or "great".
JUN'YA   m   Japanese
From Japanese 順 (jun) "order, turn" and 也 (ya) "sum of money."
JURI   f   Japanese (Modern)
This name combines 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree" or 寿 (shuu, ju, su, kotobuki, kotobu.ku, kotoho.gu) meaning "congratulations, longevity" with 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "justice, logic, reason, truth," 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, gem" or 莉 (rai, ri, rei), part of 茉莉 (matsuri) meaning "jasmine."... [more]
JURIA   f   Japanese (Modern)
This name can be used as 樹利亜, 樹里亜, 樹里愛, 樹莉亜, 樹理愛, 樹梨亜, 樹梨愛, 寿莉亜, 寿理愛 or 寿里亜 with 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree", 寿 (shuu, ju, su, kotobuki, kotobu.ku, kotoho.gu) meaning "congratulations, longevity," 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit, gain" 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 莉 (rai, ri, rei), part of 茉莉 (matsuri) meaning "jasmine," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "justice, logic, reason, truth," 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree," 亜 (a, tsu.gu) meaning "Asia, come after, rank next" and 愛 (ai, ito.shii, o.shimu, kana.shii, mana, me.deru, a) meaning "affection, love."... [more]
JURIAN   f   Japanese (Modern)
This name can be used as 寿理安, 寿莉杏, 樹里杏 or 樹莉杏 with 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree," 寿 (shuu, ju, su, kotobuki, kotobu.ku, kotoho.gu) meaning "congratulations, longevity," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "justice, logic, reason, truth," 莉 (rai, ri, rei), part of 茉莉 (matsuri) meaning "jasmine," 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 安 (an, yasu, yasu.i, yasu.maru, yasu.raka) meaning "cheap, low, peaceful, rested" and 杏 (an, kyou, kou, anzu) meaning "apricot."... [more]
JŪRŌTA   m   Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 十 (ji', juu, ju', to, too) meaning "ten" or 重 (juu, chou, e, omo, omo.i, omo.ri, kasa.naru, kasa.neru) meaning "heap up, heavy, pile up" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, merry" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, futo.ru) meaning "big plump, thick."... [more]
JŪSHIRŌ   m   Japanese
This name can be used as 十四郎, 十四朗, 十四良, 重四郎, 重四朗, 重師郎 or 充四郎 with 十 (ji', juu, ju', to, too) meaning "ten," 重 (juu, chou, e, omo, omo.i, omo.ri, kasa.naru, kasa.neru) meaning "heap up, heavy, pile up," 充 (juu, a.teru, mi.tasu) meaning "allot, fill," 四 (shi, yo, yo'.tsu, yo.tsu, yon) meaning "four," 師 (shi, su, nara.u, moromoro) meaning "exemplar, expert, master, model, teacher," 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son," 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, merry" and 良 (ryou, i.i, -i.i, yo.i, -yo.i, rou) meaning "good, excellent."... [more]
JUZO   m   Japanese
JYOU   m   Japanese
Japanese form of Joe.
KAATO   m   Japanese
Kaato is the Japanese form of Kurt.
KABUTO   m   Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name is used as either 甲 (ka, kan, kou, kinoe, kabuto) meaning "armour, headpiece" or 兜 (to, tou, kabuto) meaning "headpiece, (war) helmet."... [more]
KACHI   f & m   Japanese
KAE   f   Japanese
From Japanese 可 (ka) meaning "fruit" combined with 恵 (e) meaning "favour, benefit". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAEDA   f   Japanese
KAEKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "Canada", 江 (e) meaning "creek, bay" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAEMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "canada", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, painting, drawing, sketch" combined with 実 (mi) meaning "reality". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAEMON   m   Japanese (Archaic)
This name combines 嘉 (ka, yoi, yomi.suru) meaning "applaud, esteem, praise" or 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add, include, join" with 右衛門 (uemon) (see Uemon).... [more]
KAENA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "Canada", 恵 (e) meaning "favor, favour; benefit; confer kindness" combined with 奈 meaning "apple tree". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAERU   f & m   Japanese
From Japanese 蛙 (kaeru) meaning "frog" or from Japanese 華 (ka) meaning "flower", 荏 (e) meaning "herb" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAGAMI   f   Japanese
(ka) and (gami) both mean mirror.
KAGAMINE   f   Japanese
This name is most notable for the Vocaloids Kagamine Rin and Len. It means (Kagami) (mirror) (ne) (sound)... [more]
KAGARI   m & f   Japanese
(篝火) Japanese, meaning "bonfire"
KAGEHOSHI   f   Japanese
Comes from the japanese words "kage" meaning shadow and "hoshi" meaning star.
KAGEKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 影 (kage) meaning "light" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAGEMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 景 (kage) meaning "vista, view, scene" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAGERŌ   m & f   Japanese (Rare)Popular Culture
This name can be used as 景郎, 陽炎 or 蜉蝣 with 景 (kei, kage) meaning "scenery, view," 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son," 陽 (you, hi) meaning "daytime, heaven, male, positive, sunshine, yang principle," 炎 (en, honoo) meaning "blaze, flame, inflammation," 蜉 (fu), an outdated kanji meaning "kind of ant, may fly" and 蝣 (yuu), another outdated kanji meaning "may fly."... [more]
KAGEYA   m   Japanese
From Japanese 影 (kage) meaning "light" combined with 也 (ya) meaning "also". This name can be formed with other kanji combinations as well.
KAGURA   f   Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name can be used as 神楽, 楽羅 or 天楽 with 神 (shin, jin, kami, kan-, kou-, kagu) meaning "gods, mind, soul," 楽 (gaku, gou, raku, kono.mu, tano.shii, tano.shimu, ra) meaning "comfort, ease, music," 羅 (ra, usumono) meaning "gauze, Rome, thin silk" and 天 (ten, ama-, amatsu, ame) meaning "heavens, imperial, sky."... [more]
KAGUYA   f   Japanese
Meaning "radiant night".The name originates from the japanese story "Tale of the bamboo cutter." Where a bamboo cutter finds a girl in a bamboo stalk and adopts her... [more]
KAHO   f   Japanese
Japanese name made up of the characters for "flower" and "walk," or other combinations of kanji with the same readings.
KAI   m   Japanese
From the Japanese 魁 (kai) "to charge ahead," "the first to charge," "pioneer," "forerunner," "harbinger."
KAIBA   m   Popular CultureJapanese
Its direct and most consistent translation is "seahorse" in Japanese, which is also the more widely-accepted meaning among popular culture. The meaning is produced by combining the meanings of the first and second Japanese characters (see native spelling)... [more]
KAIBUTSU   m   Japanese
A Japanese name meaning "monster".
KAIDA   f   Japanese
Means "Little Dragon" in Japanese.
KAIHITO   m   Japanese
From Japanese 穎 (kai) meaning "rice tassel" combined with 人 (hito) meaning "person". Other kanji combinations can also form this name.
KAIICHI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 介 (kai) meaning "shell, shellfish" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAIICHIROU   m   Japanese
From Japanese 介 (kai) meaning "shell, shellfish", 一 (ichi) meaning "one" combined with 朗 (rou) meaning "clear; bright". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAIJI   m   Japanese
This name combines 海 (kai, umi, mi) meaning "ocean, sea," 快 (kai, kokoroyo.i) meaning "agreeable, cheerful, comfortable, pleasant," 開 (kai, a.ku, a.keru, hira.ki, hira.ku, hira.keru, -bira.ki) meaning "open, unfold, unseal" or 介 (kai) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, shellfish" with 二 (ji, ni, futa, futata.bi, futa.tsu) meaning "two," 治 (ji, chi, osa.maru, osa.meru, nao.su, nao.ru) meaning "be at peace, calm down, conserve, cure, government, heal, quell, reign, rule, subdue," 次 (shi, ji, tsugi, tsu.gu) meaning "next, order, sequence" or 司 (shi, tsukasado.ru, tsukasa) meaning "administer, director, government office, official, rule."
KAIKA   f & m   Japanese
From Japanese 快 (kai) meaning "cheerful" (mostly feminine) or 界 (kai) meaning "world" (mostly masculine) combined with 夏 (ka) meaning "summer" (mostly feminine) or 禾 (ka) meaning "rice plant" (mostly masculine)... [more]
KAIKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 甲 (ka) meaning "armor", 斐 (i) meaning "sun, day, sunshine" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAIMA   m   Japanese
From Japanese 魁 (kai) meaning "chief" combined with 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAIMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", 衣 (i) meaning "clothes" combined with 実 (mi) meaning "reality, truth". Other kanji combinations are possible
KAINÉ   f   Japanese (?)
"Broken sound"
KAISA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze, thin silk". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAISABUROU   m   Japanese
From Japanese 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean", 三 (sabu) meaning "three" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAISHO   m   Japanese
"Fly over the sea"
KAISHOU   m   Japanese
"Fly over the ocean"
KAISUKE   m   Japanese
From Japanese 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 介 (suke) meaning "shell, shellfish". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
KAITAROU   m   Japanese
From Japanese 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAIYA   f   Japanese
Kaiya means Forgiveness.
KAIYŌ   m   Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name combines 海 (kai, umi) meaning "ocean, sea" with 陽 (you, hi) meaning "daytime, heaven, male, positive, sunshine, yang principle" or 洋 (you) meaning "ocean, western style."... [more]
KAIYU   m   Japanese
KAKA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", duplicated once again. Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAKERE   f   Japanese
From Japanese 翔 (kakere) meaning "fly".
KAKERU   m   Japanese
This name can be used on its own as 翔 (shou, kake.ru, to.bu) meaning "fly, soar" or it can be combined with 琉 (ryuu, ru) meaning "gem, lapis lazuli, precious stone," 瑠 (ryuu, ru) meaning "lapis lazuli" or 流 (ryuu, ru, naga.re) meaning "a sink, current, flow, forfeit."... [more]
KAKO   f   Japanese
"Summer rainbow"
KAKU   m   Japanese
KAKUKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 赫 (kaku) meaning "bright red" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAKUZU   m   Japanese
Meaning edge+corner/capital
KALAESAKEMI   f   HawaiianJapanese
Hawaiian\Japanese... [more]
KAMADO   f   Japanese (Rare)
This name doesn't have a meaning since it is written phonetically and it is used most in Okinawa.... [more]
KAMEKO   f   Japanese
Means "child of the tortoise" in Japanese.
KAMEYO   f   Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 亀 (ki, kyuu, kin, kame) meaning "tortoise, turtle" with 代 (tai, dai, ka.eru, ka.waru, kawa.ru, -gawa.ri, -ga.wari, shiro, yo) meaning "age, change, charge, convert, fee, generation, period, rate, replace, substitute," 与 (yo, azuka.ru, ata.eru, kumi.suru, tomoni) meaning "award, bestow, cause, gift, give, godsend, impart, participate in, provide" or 世 (se, sei, sou, sanjuu, yo) meaning "generation, public, society, world."... [more]
KAMI   f & m   Japanese
In Japanese it means Divine... [more]
KAMIKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 郁 (ka) meaning "fragrance, perfume", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAMIN   f & m   Japanese
KAMINA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 樺 (ka) meaning "birch", 実 (mi) meaning "reality, truth" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAMIRA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 花 (ka) meaning "flower", 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, soul" combined with 良 (ra) meaning "good". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
KAMIYO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 紙 (kami) meaning "paper" combined with 代 (yo) meaning "generation". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAMUI   m   Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name can be used as 可夢偉, 華夢衣, 華夢威, 夏夢生, 加夢意 or 嘉夢威 with 可 (ka, kou, -be.ki, -be.shi) meaning "can, passable, possible," 華 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower," 夏 (ka, ga, ge, natsu) meaning "summer", 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add, include, join," 嘉 (ka, yoi, yomi.suru) meaning "applaud, esteem, praise," 夢 (bou, mu, kura.i, yume, yume.miru) meaning "dream, illusiom, vision," 偉 (i, era.i) meaning "excellent, greatness, distinguished," 衣 (i, e, kinu, -gi, koromo) meaning "clothes, garment," 威 (i, odo.kasu, odo.shi, odo.su) meaning "dignity, majesty, authority," 生 (shou, sei, i.kiru, i.keru, -u, u.mare, o.u, ki, na.ru, ha.eru) meaning "birth, genuine, life" and 意 (i) meaning "intention, mind, will, thought."... [more]
KAN   m   Japanese
From the Japanese 寛 (kan) "lenient," "gentle," "relaxed."
KANA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 夏 (ka) "summer" combined with 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens" or 奈 (na), a phonetic character. it is often written かな using the hiragana system.
KANADE   f   Japanese
Written in hiragana; means "to play a song/tune."
KANAE   f   Japanese
From Japanese 佳 (ka) "beautiful, good" or 香 (ka) "summer" or 奈 (na) "apple tree", 苗 (nae) "sprouts" and sometimes 恵 (e). Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
KANAKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "addition", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance" combined with 奈 (na) a phonetic character, 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens" and 子 (ko) "child"... [more]
KANAME   f & m   Japanese
Japanese translation from "focus", or "point of interest".... [more]
KANAMI   f   Japanese
Japanese feminine name with several possible meanings; 佳南 "good, auspicious, beautiful; south"; 光波 meaning "bright waves" and 奏心 "play music; heart, mind, soul", amongst many others.
KANATA   m & f   Japanese
As a unisex name, it can be used as 奏太, 奏多, 叶多 or 彼方 with 奏 (sou, kana.deru) meaning "play music, perform," 叶 (kyou, kana.u, kana.eru) meaning "answer, grant," 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, futo.ru) meaning "big, plump, thick," 多 (ta, oo.i, masa.ni, masa.ru) meaning "frequent, many, much," 彼 (hi, kano, ka.no, kare) meaning "he, that" and 方 (hou, kata, -kata, -gata, nata) meaning "direction, person."... [more]
KANATO   m   Japanese
KANE   f   Japanese
This name can be used as 兼 (ken, kane.ru, -kane.ru) meaning "concurrently, combine" or か, a phonetic character representing ka, with 子 (shi, su, tsu, ko, -ko, -ne) meaning "sign of the rat (1st sign of the Chinese zodiac)" or 禰 (dei, nai, ne) meaning "ancestral shrine."... [more]
KANEKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase, Canada", 年 (ne) meaning "year" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KANERU   f   Japanese
KANETSUGU   m   Japanese
Means bell/chime that succeeds/is heir.
KANJI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 莞 (kan) meaning "lenient, gentle" combined with 爾 (ji) meaning "speech". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KANJO   m   Japanese
it means emotion
KANNA   f   Japanese
The name was thought to have come around during Fuedel Japan, it's thought to have the meaning of 'Lily'. Now probably you will most commonly hear this name in the show, 'InuYasha'.... [more]
KANNIKA   f   Japanese
Kannika means "Jasmine-Like Blossom." ... [more]
KANO   m   JapanesePopular Culture
A character in Mortal Kombat.... [more]
KANOA   f   Japanese
Japanese In Origin, Feminine.
KANOKO   f   Japanese
A Japanese name meaning "deer child", from 鹿 (shika, kan) meaning "deer", and 子 (ko) meaning "child".
KANTAROU   m   Japanese
A well known name from one of the main characters in the anime/manga "Tactics"
KAON   f   Japanese
From Japanese 華 (ka) meaning "flower" combined with 音 (on) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAORUKO   f   Japanese
Tsubomi's Grandma's name from Heartcatch Precure
KAREHA   f   Japanese
Means "dried leaves" in Japanese
KAREN   f   Japanese
Means fruit in japanese is also character in popular show "Bleach"
KARIKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 雁 (kari) meaning "wild goose" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KARIN   f   Japanese
Means "flower bell" in Japanese
KARUI   f   Japanese
KARUMA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone" combined with 摩 (ma) meaning "to rub; to scour; to grind". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KASANE   f   Japanese
Multiple meaning "Piled-up Sound," "Double Sound," "Heavy Sound."
KASHIWA   m   Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as a single kanji, 柏 (haku, hyaku, byaku, kashiwa) meaning "oak," or it can be combined with 可 (ka, koku, -be.ki, -be.shi) meaning "can, passable, possible," 士 (shi) meaning "gentleman, samurai" and 和 (o, ka, wa, nago.mu, yawa.ragu) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften."... [more]
KASUGA   f   Japanese
"Spring day"
KATSUAKI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 一 (katsu) meaning "one" combined with 章 (aki) meaning "chapter; section". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name. ... [more]
KATSUHISA   m   Japanese
KATSUIE   m   Japanese
KATSUKI   m & f   Japanese
As a unisex name, it combines 佳 (ka, kei) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good, pleasing, skilled", 伽 (ka, ga, kya, gya, togi) meaning "attending, entertainer, nursing", 嘉 (ka, yoi, yomi.suru) meaning "applaud, esteem, praise", 夏 (ka, ga, ge, natsu) meaning "summer", 歌 (ka, uta, uta.u) meaning "sing, song" or 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add(ition), Canada, include, increase, join" with 月 (gatsu, getsu, tsuki) meaning "month, moon."... [more]
KATSUKO   f   Japanese
KATSUMI   m & f   Japanese
This name combines 勝 (shou, ka.tsu, katsu, -ga.chi, sugu.reru, masa.ru) meaning "excel, prevail, victory, win" or 克 (koku, ka.tsu) meaning "kindly, overcome, skillfully" with 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beautiful, beauty," 実 (shitsu, jitsu, makotoni, mi, michi.ru, mino, mino.ru) meaning "reality, truth," 巳 (shi, mi) meaning "sign of the snake/serpent (6th sign of the Chinese zodiac)," 己 (ki, ko, onore, tsuchinoto, na, mi) meaning "self, serpent, snake" or 海 (kai, umi, mi) meaning "ocean, sea." It can also be used as 加津美, 佳津美 or かつ美 with 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add(ition), Canada, include, increase, join," 佳 (ka, kei) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good, pleasing, skilled," 津 (shin, tsu, zu) meaning "ferry, harbour, haven, port" and the two phonetic characters making up Katsu (かつ).... [more]
KATSUNE   f & m   Japanese (?)
From Japanese meaning of "fox".
KATSURA   f & m   Japanese (Rare)
This name is used as 桂 (kei, katsura) meaning "Japanese Judas-tree" (unisex) or 葛 (kachi, katsu, kuzu, tsudzura, katsura) meaning "arrowroot, kudzu" (feminine).... [more]
KATSUTOSHI   m   Japanese
KATSUYOSHI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 勝 (katsu) meaning "victory" combined with 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck", 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous", or 良 (yoshi) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable"... [more]
KAYA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 華 (ka) "flower, petal, splendor" combined with 也 (ya) "to be (classical)". Also 佳(ka) "excellent, beautiful, good" combined with 弥 (ya) "all the more, increasingly"... [more]
KAYKO   f   Japanese
KAYO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 賀 (ka) meaning "congratulate, greet, celebrate" combined with 代 (yo) meaning "generation". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
KAYOKO   f   Japanese
KAZE   m & f   Japanese
This name is used as 風 (fu, fuu, kaza-, kaze, -kaze) meaning "air, manner, style, wind."
KAZEKO   f   Japanese
Means "wind child" in Japanese.
KAZUHA   f   Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from 和 (kazu) meaning "peace, harmony" and 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf".
KAZUHIKO   m   Japanese
KazumaKazukoKazukeKazukiKazueKazuo. "It means 'harmony' or 'peace' (Kazu), combined with 'day's child' (Hiko).
KAZUHIRA   m   Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, kazu) meaning "one," 和 (o, ka, wa, nago.mu, nago.yaka, yawa.ragu, yawa.rageru, kazu) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften" or 数 (saku, shu, su, suu, soku, kazu, kazo.eru, shibashiba, se.meru, wazurawa.shii) meaning "figure, number, count" with 平 (hyou, byou, hei, tai.ra, -daira, hira, hira-) meaning "plain, flat, even, level."... [more]
KAZUHIRO   m   Japanese
"Kazu" is ocean, "Hiro" is wide/spacious.Â@Â@Wide Ocean.... [more]
KAZUHITO   m   Japanese
KAZUKA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 一 (kazu) meaning "one" combined with 嘉 (ka) meaning "excellent, good". This name can be formed of other kanji characters as well.
KAZUMA   m   Japanese
This name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito, hito.tsu, kazu) meaning "one" or 和 (o, ka, wa, nago.mu, nago.yaka, yawa.ragu, yawa.rageru, kazu) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften" with 真 (shin, ma, ma-, makoto) meaning "real, true," 馬 (ba, uma, -uma, ma) meaning "horse," 磨 (ma, su.ru, miga.ku) meaning "brush, grind, improve, polish," 摩 (ma, sa.suru, su.ru, ma.suru) meaning "chafe, grind, polish, rub," 満 (ban, man, mi.tasu, mi.chiru, mi.tsu, ma) meaning "full, fulfill, satisfy" or 眞, an outdated variant of 真.... [more]
KAZUMASA   m   Japanese
From Japanese 一 (kazu) meaning "one" or 和 (kazu) meaning "harmony, peace" combined with 正 (masa) meaning "just proper" or 政 (masa) meaning "government"... [more]
KAZUMI   f & m   Japanese
From Japanese 和 (kazu) "harmony" or 一 (kazu) "one" combined with 美 (mi) "beautiful" or 三 (mi) "three".
KAZUNA   f   Japanese
KAZUNE   m   Japanese
KAZURŌ   m   Japanese
From Japanese 和 (kazu) meaning "peace, harmony" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
KAZUSA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 一 (kazu) meaning "one" combined with 沙 (sa) meaning "sand". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KAZUSHI   m   Japanese
KAZUTO   m   Japanese (Rare)
Kazuto (written: 一翔, 一人, 一登, 一仁, 一斗, 一刀, 和人 or カズト in hiragana) is a masculine Japanese given name.... [more]
KAZUYA   m   Japanese
Kazuya can be written using different kanji characters and can mean:... [more]
KAZUYO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 和 (kazu) meaning "harmony, peace" or 一 (kazu) meaning "one" combined with 世 (yo) "generation".
KAZUYOSHI   m   Japanese
KAZUYUKI   m   Japanese
This name combines 和 (o, ka, wa, nago.mu, nago.yaka, yawa.ragu, yawa.rageru, kazu) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften" or 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, kazu) meaning "one" with 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku, yuki) meaning "of, this," 幸 (kou, saiwa.i, sachi, shiawa.se, yuki) meaning "blessing, fortune, happiness," 征 (sei, yuki) meaning "conquer, subjugate," 志 (shi, kokorozashi, kokoroza.su, shiringu, yuki) meaning "aspire, hope, intention, motive, shilling," 行 (an, gyou, kou, -i.ki, -iki, i.ku, okona.u, oko.nau, -yu.ki, -yuki, yu.ku) meaning "going" or 雪 (setsu, yuki) meaning "snow."... [more]
KEI   f & m   Japanese
square jewel... [more]
KEIGO   m   Japanese
From Japanese 慶 (kei) meaning "celebrate", 敬 (kei) meaning "respect", 啓 (kei) meaning "open, begin" or 恵 (kei) meaning "favour, benefit" combined with 悟 (go) meaning "enlightenment, to apprehend, realize, become aware"... [more]
KEIGOROU   m   Japanese
Japanese meaning "joyful fifth son" or "joyful enlightened son"
KEIICHI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 啓(kei) "revelation" or 恵(kei) "bless" or 敬(kei) "respect" or 圭(kei) "noble" or 慶(kei) "happiness" combined with 一 (ichi) "one".
KEIJU   m   Japanese
This name combines 佳 (ka, kei) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good," 京 (kyou, kin, kei, miyako) meaning "capital," 啓 (kei, sato.su, hira.ku) meaning "open, reveal, say," 圭 (ke, kei) meaning "angle, corner, edge," 恵 (e, kei, megu.mi, megu.mu) meaning "blessing, favour, grace, kindness," 慧 (e, kei, satoi) meaning "wise, sagacious, keen," 慶 (kei, yoroko.bi) meaning "congratulation, jubilation, felicitation" or 桂 (kei, katsura) meaning "cinnamon tree" with 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree" or 寿 (shuu, ju, su, kotobuki, kotobu.ku, kotoho.gu) meaning "congratulations, longevity."... [more]
KEIKA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 蛍 (kei) meaning "firefly" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower, blossom". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEIKEI   m & f   Japanese
From Japanese 荊 (kei) meaning "system" combined with 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, creek". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEIKI   f & m   Japanese
From Japanese 慶 (kei) meaning "celebrate" combined with 樹 (ki) "tree; plant" or combined with 貴 (ki) meaning "valuable" or 紀 (ki) meaning "chronicle"... [more]
KEIMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 蛍 (kei) meaning "firefly" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEINE   f   Japanese
From Japanese 恵 (kei) meaning "favour, benefit" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEINO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 桂 (kei) meaning "the katsura, the Japanese Judas tree" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
KEINOSUKE   m   Japanese
From Japanese 慶 (kei) meaning "jubilation", 之 (no), a possessive marker combined with 輔 (suke) meaning "assist". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
KEIO   m   Japanese
From Japanese 敬 (kei) meaning "respect" combined with 夫 (o) meaning "man, male". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEIRI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 慶 (kei) meaning "celebrate" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEIRU   f   Japanese
From Japanese 渓 (kei) meaning "mountain stream, creek" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "precious stone". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEISEI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 馨 (kei) meaning "fragrant, aromatic" combined with 正 (sei) meaning "first (month of the lunar year)". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KEISUKE   m   Japanese
This name combines 恵 (e, kei, megu.mi, megu.mu) meaning "blessing, favour, grace, kindness," 慶 (kei, yoroko.bi) meaning "congratulation, jubilation, felicitation" or 蛍 (kei, hotaru) meaning "firefly, lightning-bug" with 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, help, care," 助 (jo, suke, su.keru, tasu.karu, tasu.keru) meaning "assist, help, save, rescue," 輔 (fu, ho, tasuke.ru, suke) meaning "help" or 亮 (ryou, akiraka, suke) meaning "clear, help."
KEITA   m   Japanese
From kanji  (kei) meaning "celebrate" and  (ta) meaning "thick, big". A famous bearer is the Japanese musician, Keita Tachibana.
KEITAI   m   Japanese
KENGO   m   Japanese
KEN'ICHIRŌ   m   Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) meaning "healthy, strong", 一 (ichi) meaning "one" and 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.... [more]
KENJIRŌ   m   Japanese
KENJIROU   m   Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) meaning "healthy, strong", 二 (ji) meaning "two" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KENKI   m   Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 賢 (ken) meaning "intelligence" combined with 希 (ki) meaning "hope". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
KENKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) "healthy, strong" and 子 (ko) "child".
KENMA   m   Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) meaning "healthy, strong" combined with 真 (ma) meaning "real, genuine". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KENMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 賢 (ken) meaning "intelligence" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KENSHI   m   Japanese
Kenshi means 'swordsman' in Japanese
KENSHIRO   m   Japanese
KENSHŌ   m   Japanese
From Japanese 賢 (ken) meaning "intelligence" combined with 章 (shō) meaning "chapter; section". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KENSUKE   m   Japanese
KENTARO   m   Japanese
Variant transcription of Kentarou.
KENTAROU   m   Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) "healthy, strong", 太 (ta) "thick, big" and 郎 (rou) "son".
KENTO   m   Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) "healthy, strong" and 人 (to) "person".
KENYA   m   Japanese
This name combines 健 (ken, suko.yaka) meaning "healthy, sound, strength," 建 (ken, kon, ta.tsu, ta.te, ta.teru, -da.te) meaning "build,, construct," 憲 (ken) meaning "rule, law," 研 (ken, to.gu) meaning "polish, sharpen, study," 謙 (ken) meaning "modest, humble" or 賢 (ken, kashiko.i) meaning "clever, intelligent, wise" with 也 (e, ya, ka, nari, mata) meaning "to be (archaic form)," 哉 (sai, kana, ya) meaning "alas, how, question mark, what" or 弥 (bi, mi, amaneshi, iya, iyoiyo, tooi, hisashi, hisa.shii, ya, wata.ru) meaning "all the more, increasingly."
KENZO   m   JapaneseFrench
Depending on the kanji used to write Kenzo, it can have different meanings. Some possible ways of writing it are 賢三 "wise, three", 健三 "healthy, three", 謙三 "humble, three", 健想 "healthy, concept", 建造 "build, create", 健蔵 "healthy, storehouse", 憲蔵 "constitution, storehouse", and 研造 "polish, create".... [more]
KEOKO   f   Japanese
KESA   f   Japanese
This name is used as either 今朝 or 袈裟 with 今 (kin, kon, ima) meaning "now," 朝 (chou, asa) meaning "dynasty, epoch, morning, regime," 袈 (ka, ke) meaning "a coarse camlet" and 裟 (sa... [more]
KESAO   m   Japanese
This name combines 今朝 or 袈裟 (kesa) (see Kesa) with 雄 (yuu, o-, osu, on) meaning "male, masculine," 男 (dan, nan, o, otoko) meaning "man, male" or 夫 (fu, fuu, bu, otto, sore, o) meaning "husband, man."... [more]
KETSUTSURE   f & m   Japanese
Is an infrequent Japanese blessing on a newborn child, and is in fact more a statement than a word meaning "be strong minded with love, kindness and the ability to love, be loved, and blessed with beauty and intelligence".
KIARIA   f   JapanesePolynesian MythologyAfrican AmericanHawaiian
Kiaria, meaning responsible or powerful. Spirit, in the myth "Holona Étrusa". Kiaria was a helpful person (spirit) and owned "Jomaleé" a fictional country in Hawaii.... [more]
KIATSU   f & m   Japanese
Means "atmospheric pressure" in Japanese.
KIBA   f & m   Japanese
Fang.... [more]
KIE   f   Japanese
japanese word
KIICHI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice" and 一 (ichi) meaning "one". This name can also be formed of other kanji combinations.
KIICHIRO   m   Japanese
KIKI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ki) meaning "hollyhock" combined with 希 (ki) meaning "hope". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KIKKAN   m   Japanese
KIKO   f   Japanese
From Japanese 希 (ki) "beg, request; hope; rare" or 紀 (ki) "record, annal; century" combined with 子 (ko) "child"
KIKUE   f   Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 菊 (Kiku) "chrysanthemum" and 栄 (e) "prosperity".
KIKUKO   f   Japanese
kiku(菊) means Chrysanthemum. you can also yuse 喜久for "kiku"(喜happiness 久long or forever).... [more]
KIKUMI   f   Japanese
From Japanese 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice", 久 (ku) meaning "long time" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible as well.
KIKUNE   f   Japanese
Japanese feminine given name derived from 菊 (kiku) and 禰 (ne) meaning "ancestral shrine".
KIKUNO   f   Japanese
Japanese feminine given name 菊 (kiku) meaning "chrysanthemum" and 乃 (no) meaning "of".
KIKUNOSUKE   m   Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 菊 (kiku) meaning "chrysanthemum" or 喜 (ki, yoroko.basu, yoroko.bu) meaning "rejoice, pleasure" & 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time" and 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku) meaning "of, this" with 助 (jo, suke, su.keru, tasu.karu, tasu.keru) meaning "assist, help, save, rescue," 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, help, care" or 輔 (fu, ho, tasu.keru, suke) meaning "help."... [more]
KIKUO   m   Japanese
From Japanese 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice", 久 (ku) meaning "long time" combined with 夫 (o) meaning "man, husband". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KIKUYO   f   Japanese
From Japanese meaning 喜 (ki) meaning "child", 久 (ku) meaning "nine" combined with 代 (yo) meaning "generation". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KIKUYU   f   Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from 菊 (kiku) meaning "chrysanthemum" and 夕 (yu) meaning "evening".
KIKYŌ   f   Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 桔梗, 希杏, 希香, 紀杏, 紀香, 紀響, 樹杏, 樹香, 妃杏, 妃京, 妃香, 季叶, 季杏, 姫香 with 桔 (kitsu, ketsu, ki), which is used in plant names, 梗 (kyou, kou, oomune, fusagu, yamanire) meaning "flower stem, branch, prickle," 希 (ki, ke, mare) meaning "few, hope, wish, rare," 杏 (an, kyou, kou, anzu) meaning "apricot," 香 (kyou, kou, ka, kao.ri, kao.ru) meaning "incense, perfume, smell," 紀 (ki) meaning "account, chronicle, history, narrative," 響 (kyou, hibi.ku) meaning "echo, resound, ring, sound, vibrate," 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree," 妃 (hi, kisaki, ki) meaning "princess," 京 (kyou, kin, kei, miyako) meaning "capital," 季 (ki) meaning "season," 叶 (kyou, kana.u, kana.eru) meaning "answer, grant" and 姫 (ki, hime, hime-) meaning "princess."... [more]
KILLUA   m   Japanese
Hunter x Hunter. This character is known for being an electric badass. He is from the zoldyck family which is a family of assassins so he received vigorous training to endure all types of torture.
KIMI   f   EnglishJapanese
Short form of KIMIKO or a variant of KIMMY.... [more]
KIMIHIRO   m   Japanese
"Benevolence" "Ocean"
KIMIKA   f   Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ki) meaning "sunflower", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KIMIMARU   m   Japanese
a name animators used in the show naruto as one of orochimaru's servants his kekegenkai enabled him to use his bones as weapons he died of a disease in his lungs
KIMITSUKI   f   Japanese
Means emperess moon... [more]
KIN   f   Japanese
This name can be used as 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold," 欣 (kin, gon, kon, yoroko.bu, yoroko.bi) meaning "take pleasure in, rejoice," 琴 (kin, koto) meaning "harp, koto," 錦 (kin, nishiki) meaning "brocade, fine dress, honors," 謹 (kin, tsutsushi.mu) meaning "discreet, humbly, reverently," 欽 (kin, kon, tsutsushi.mu) meaning "respect, revere, long for," 均 (kin, nara.su) meaning "average, level" or 菫 (kin, sumire) meaning "the violet."... [more]
KINGA   m   Japanese (Rare, Archaic)
This name combines 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold" with 峨 (ga, kewa.shii) meaning "steep" or 鵞 (ga) meaning "goose."... [more]
KINICHIROU   m   Japanese
From the Japanese kin (meaning gold), ichi (meaning one), and rou (meaning son).
KINJI   m   Japanese
From Japanese 勤 (kin) meaning "industrious, diligent, attentive" combined with 次 (ji) meaning "next, secondary". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name... [more]
KINNOSUKE   m   Japanese
This name combines 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold," 欣 (kin, gon, kon, yoroko.bu, yoroko.bi) meaning "pleasure, rejoice," 欽 (kin, kon, tsutsushi.mu) meaning "respect, revere" or 錦 (kin, nishiki) meaning "brocade" and 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku) meaning "of, this" with 助 (jo, suke, su.keru, tasu.karu, tasu.keru) meaning "assist, help, save, rescue," 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, help, care" or 輔 (fu, ho, tasu.keru, suke) meaning "help."... [more]
KINO   m & f   Japanese
Wandering Soul
KINOKO   f & m   Japanese
Means "mushroom" in Japanese.
KINTARŌ   m   Japanese
This name combines 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold", 欣 (kin, gon, kon, yoroko.bu, yoroko.bi) meaning "take pleasure in, rejoice", 欽 (kin, kon, tsutsushi.mu) meaning "respect, revere, long for", 錦 (kin, nishiki) meaning "brocade, fine dress, honors" or 琴 (kin, koto) meaning "harp, koto" with 太郎 (tarou) meaning "eldest son" (from 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, futo.ru) meaning "big around, plump, thick" and 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son.")... [more]
KINU   f   Japanese
This name is used as 絹 (ken, kinu) meaning "silk."... [more]
KINUE   f   Japanese
KINUKO   f   Japanese
KINYA   m   Japanese
This name combines 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold," 欣 (kin, gon, kon, yoroko.bu, yoroko.bi) meaning "pleasure, rejoice," 欽 (kin, kon, tsutsushi.mu) meaning "respect, revere" or 錦 (kin, nishiki) meaning "brocade" with 也 (e, ya, ka, nari, mata) meaning "to be (archaic form)," 哉 (sai, kana, ya) meaning "alas, how, question mark, what" or 弥 (bi, mi, amaneshi, iya, iyoiyo, tooi, hisashi, hisa.shii, ya, wata.ru) meaning "all the more, increasingly."... [more]
KIOKO   f   Japanese
KION   f   Japanese
From Japanese 希 (ki) meaning "beg, request" combined with 苑 (on) meaning "pasture, park, garden". Other kanji combinations are possible.
KIRA   m & f   Japanese
It means "sparkle", "light", or "glitter". In the use of Katakana, it means "Killer". In Japanese pop culture, the main male character in a well known Anime, DEATH NOTE, goes by Kira.
KIRARA   f   Japanese (Modern)
This name can be used as 雲母, 希来々, 稀良々, 綺羅々, 騎蘭々 or 喜楽々 with 雲 (un, kumo, -gumo, ki) meaning "cloud," 母 (bo, haha, mo) meaning "mother," 希 (ki, ke, mare) meaning "few, hope, wish, rare," 来 (tai, rai, kita.su, ku.ru) meaning "become, cause, come, next," 稀 (ki, ke, mabora, mare) meaning "rare," 良 (ryou, i.i, -i.i, yo.i, -yo.i) meaning "good, excellent," 綺 (ki, aya) meaning "beautiful, figured cloth," 羅 (ra, usumono) meaning "gauze, thin silk," 騎 (ki) meaning "equestrian," 蘭 (ra, ran) meaning "orchid," 喜 (ki, yoroko.basu, yoroko.bu) meaning "rejoice, pleasure" and 楽 (gaku, gou, raku, kono.mu, tano.shii, tano.shimu, ra) meaning "comfort, ease."... [more]
KIRARI   f   Japanese
From the word きらり meaning to sparkle.
KIREI   m   Japanese
From 綺 (ki) "beautiful" and 礼 (rei) "thanks, salute"
KIREINA   f   Japanese
Meaning 'beautiful one' in Japanese.
KIRI   f   Japanese
Kiri is the Japanese word for the Paulownia tree, specifically referring to P. tomentosa; it is also known as the "princess tree" after princess Anna Paulowna, queen consort of The Netherlands (1795–1865), daughter of Tsar Paul I of Russia.... [more]
KIRIGAYA   m   Japanese
It's a unique name, often used by traditional families. Translated into an ancient language it means azure, sky blue, pure,delicate,tone,sound or clear. Through long times this name was replaced in another language through "Au-" and the following namepart.
KIRIKO   f   Japanese
Kiriko Aoi, from Godannar... [more]

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